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06 March 2020 - Restored old site

Since I was working on an old project to convert to PHP7 I restored this site to have the manual online

17 December 2013 - New update FH3 v1.3.7

Update editor field to use CKEditor 4.3.1

- if you use the skin parameter, make sure the skin you use exists. (new default skin is called moono)
- We created 2 toolbars in the config.js of CKeditor (Default en Basic)

Thanks to Kreatik for sharing this.

17 October 2013 - New update FH3 v1.3.6

Hi there again.

After a long time we finally found some time to spend on FH3.
Today a new version.

Fixed a bug using a charset != UTF8 with PHP >= 5.4
Thanks to Thomas Branius who provided us with this fix in january.

Updated CKeditor to v3.6.6.1

Added MySQLi to Yadal

Fixed a bug to maskloader thanks to Björn Brala

06 April 2012 - FH4 v1.3,4

Added mimetypes for docx, xlsx and pptx

22 March 2012 - FH 3.1.3

Fixed bugs in dataTextField and in Ajax validator

thanx to Thomas Branius

Fixed bug when using negative date interval.
Thanx to Arno Nuyts


Recent topics
uploadField probeel met extra ... in bestand naam
Selling fh
warningin Editor
using diaeresis
class ImageConverter
use ajax validator with blank feilds permitted
enableAjaxValidator + setMask
Fix: FH_URL_HOST allow httpS
UTF-8 and language detect
problems with ListField
Open topics
uploadField probeel met extra ... in bestand naam
Selling fh
warningin Editor
using diaeresis
problems with ListField
reading values from db
Error on validating form with 'my' html
Warning (2): class.Editor.php at 79 Creating defau
Inhoud veld wordt gewist on edit
Backslash Bug
[Suggestion] - MSSQL Fix
INSERT / UPDATE multiple tables
UploadField max filesize (+ NewPage)
Problemen met $form->GetCurrentPage();
Runtime notices m.b.t. validator
AJAX save form
Easy form2mysql creator
Meerdere selects koppelen aan 1 select
quotes and backslashes
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