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Version: FH3 V1.3.8
File: FH3-v1.3.8.zip
Date of publication: 07 April 14
Latest update: 13-06-2014 / 11:59
Description: Added automatic use of -utf8 language file when available.
Update fr-utf8 language file

Version: FH3 V1.3.7
File: FH3-v1.3.7.zip
Date of publication: 17 December 13
Latest update: 17-12-2013 / 11:58
Description: Update editor field to use CKEditor 4.3.1

- if you use the skin parameter, make sure the skin you use exists. (new default skin is called moono)
- We created 2 toolbars in the config.js of CKeditor (Default en Basic)

Version: FH3 V1.3.6
File: FH3-v1.3.6.zip
Date of publication: 17 October 13
Latest update: 18-10-2013 / 07:44

Version: FH3 v.1.3.5
File: FH3-v1.3.5.zip
Date of publication: 28 November 12
Latest update: 28-11-2012 / 10:49
Description: BugFix Listfield
Altered storing comma separated values in db (now only separated by comma and not longer with comma+space

Version: FH3 v.1.3.4
File: FH3-v1.3.4.zip
Date of publication: 06 April 12
Latest update: 06-04-2012 / 08:44
Description: Added mimetypes for docx, xlsx and pptx

Version: FH3 v.1.3.3
File: FH3-v1.3.3.zip
Date of publication: 22 March 12
Latest update: 22-03-2012 / 13:20
Description: Fixed bugs in dataTextField and in Ajax validator

thanx to Thomas Branius

Fixed bug when using negative date interval.
Thanx to Arno Nuyts

Version: Sybase conmector v1
File: FH_Sybase-connector-bcc5821.zip
Date of publication: 01 February 12
Latest update: 01-02-2012 / 07:42
Description: Class tot connect to a Sybase Database

Written by Iyas

Since we cannot test this class we cannot provide any support.

Please contact Iyas (iyasilias@gmail.com) with support questions (or use the forum)

Version: FH3 v.1.3.2
File: FH3-v1.3.2.zip
Date of publication: 01 November 11
Latest update: 14-02-2012 / 13:55
Description: Now the FormHandler object is passed to a custom validator as the second (not required) argument

Version: FH3 v.1.3.1
File: FH3-v1.3.1.zip
Date of publication: 14 October 11
Latest update: 14-10-2011 / 12:59
Description: Update CKEditor to version 3.6.2
The editor is now working on iOS5

Version: IBM DB2 connector v1
File: FH_IBM_DB2.zip
Date of publication: 23 September 11
Latest update: 23-09-2011 / 12:19
Description: Class tot connect to a IBM DB2 Database

Written by Sebastian Buse

Since we cannot test this class we cannot provide any support.

Please contact Sebastian Buse (sebastian@seilerei-buse.de) with support questions (or use the forum)

Version: FH3 v.1.3
File: FH3-v1.3.zip
Date of publication: 11 July 11
Latest update: 20-09-2011 / 10:53
Description: Replaced FCKeditor by CKEditor 3.6.1 and added FCKEditor Filemanager to CKEditor
- altered editorField
- altered browserField

Fixed uploadfield javascript (thnx to Thomas Branius)

Version: Manual FH v1.3
File: manual_FH3v1.3.pdf
Date of publication: 11 July 11
Latest update: 11-07-2011 / 09:55
Description: PDF manual of FH3 version 1.3

Version: FH3 v1.2.12
File: FH3_v1.2.12.zip
Date of publication: 19 March 10
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: Added a DateTextField thanx to Thomas Branius
Added a jsDateTextField thanx to Thomas Branius
Updated FCKeditor to v2.6.6

Added extra configuration for popupCalendar in jsDateField and jsDateTextField thanks to Thomas Branius

Version: Manual FH3v1.2.12
File: manual_FH3v1.2.12.pdf
Date of publication: 19 March 10
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: PDF manual of FH3 version 1.2.11

Version: Manual FH3 v 1.2.11
File: manual_FH3v1.2.11.pdf
Date of publication: 05 March 10
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: PDF manual of FH3 version 1.2.11

Version: FH3 v1.2.11
File: FH3_v1.2.11.zip
Date of publication: 01 March 10
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: Added function setEditName
Added function addJunctiontable

Version: FH3 v1.2.10
File: FH3_v1.2.10.zip
Date of publication: 09 October 09
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: added class error to the field on an error.
Changed Ajaxvalidator to use jQuery instead of prototype
Added parameter to EnableAjaxValidator to make it posible not to include the jquery library.
Added config setting for useTable.

Version: FH3 v1.2.9
File: FH3_v1.2.9.zip
Date of publication: 17 August 09
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: Fixed bug in calendar_popup.js throwing JS error
Fixed Ajax custom validator on timeField causes JS error
replaced deprecated functions: ereg() ereg_replace()
Fixed bug Autocomplete only works on first form on a page

Version: FH3 v1.2.8
File: FH3_v1.2.8.zip
Date of publication: 24 February 09
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: Added Doctype awareness
Added on the fly AJAX validation using the build in validators on select and text fields
Added variable %error_style% to the mask

Updated FCKEditor to latest version. (2.6.4)

Fixed several bugs.

Version: FH3 v1.2.7
File: FH3_v1.2.7.zip
Date of publication: 27 November 08
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: Added CaptchaField using Securimage a free php captcha class (http://www.phpcaptcha.org/)
Updated FCKEditor to latest version.
Fixed several bugs.

Version: FH3 v1.2.6
File: FH3_v1.2.6.zip
Date of publication: 23 October 08
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: Replaced colorpicker by jscolor.
Added TextSelectField.
Added dbTextSelectField.
Fixed several bugs.

Version: FH3 v1.2.5
File: FH3_v1.2.5.zip
Date of publication: 02 July 08
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: added colorpicker field thanks to Rick den Haan

Version: FH3 v1.2.4
File: FH3_v1.2.4.zip
Date of publication: 27 June 08
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: - added function dbCheckbox
- added function dbRadioButton
- updated FCKeditor to version 2.6.2 (Firefox3 compatible)

Version: FH3 v1.2.3
File: FH3_v1.2.3.zip
Date of publication: 25 March 08
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: extra argument added to the listField()-function to indicate whether the two selectfields should be stacked horizontally or vertically.

Thanks to Rick den Haan

Version: FH3 v1.2.2
File: FH3_v1.2.2.zip
Date of publication: 14 February 08
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: Latest file of FormHandler.

- added function AutoCompleteAfter
- added function BrowserField
- added possibility to parse php in mask template
- updated FCKeditor to version 2.5.1
- updated class.Editor.php to use FCKeditor 2.5.1
- Fixed optgroup closing bug in selectfield
- Removed class.Mailer.php

Version: FH3-v1.2.1
File: FH3-v1.2.1.zip
Date of publication: 01 April 06
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: Latest file of FormHandler. The onValidate function has been removed.

Version: FormHandler-manual
File: FormHandler-manual.pdf
Date of publication: 10 February 06
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: FormHandler manual for FH3 v1.1 and lower. Please note that this manual contains a bug in the examples! Square brackets are not displayed! So $data['iets'] becomes $data.

Version: FH3-v1.2
File: FH3-v1.2.zip
Date of publication: 08 February 06
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: Latest version which is still in development.

Version: FH3-v1.1
File: FH3-v1.1.zip
Date of publication: 22 October 05
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53

Version: FormHandler-1.5.98
File: FormHandler-1.5.98.zip
Date of publication: 18 November 04
Latest update: 18-05-2011 / 14:53
Description: This is the oldest version of FormHandler which is still downloadable. This version of FormHandler exists of 1 file and it contains all the basic fields.

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