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Forum Index / General / UTF-8 and language detect

[ This topic is solved ]

  kreatik 31 March 14 / 10:42  

Here is a patch to use the UTF-8 version of a language file if the language detection is enabled.

File class.FormHandler.php at line 1944, replace with :
// set the language which formhandler supports
while (list (, $l) = each ($aLang))
$lFilename null;
// check if the language file exists in UTF-8
if (file_exists(FH_INCLUDE_DIR 'language/' strtolower($l) . '-utf8.php')) {
$lFilename $l '-utf8';
// check if the language file exists
elseif (file_exists(FH_INCLUDE_DIR 'language/' strtolower($l) . '.php')) {
$lFilename $l;
                                        if (!
is_null($lFilename)) {
// set the language
$bSet true;

  kreatik 31 March 14 / 10:52  
Changed at 31 March 14 / 10:52
Here a link for the latest version of french language file (UTF-8) : http://uploaded.net/file/xa9rnen6

  Johan Wiegel (Admin) 07 April 14 / 12:21  
Thanks for sharing this.

I made a new version and published this today.


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