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Forum Index / General / UploadField max filesize (+ NewPage)

[ This topic is unsolved! ]

  John Doe 05 April 12 / 17:10  

$cfg_upload = array(
    'path'     => realpath(DIR_INC . '/uploads'),
    'type'     => 'jpg jpeg doc docx txt pdf',
    'required' => false,
    'exists'   => 'rename'

$form->UploadField('Bijlage 1', 'attachment_1', $cfg_upload);
$form->UploadField('Bijlage 2', 'attachment_2', $cfg_upload);
$form->UploadField('Bijlage 3', 'attachment_3', $cfg_upload);

When uploading a file that surpasses the max. filesize for uploads, the form reloads completely empty at the first page. Bug?

  Johan Wiegel (Admin) 05 April 12 / 18:06  
that's one of the reasons newpage is still a beta function :(


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