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Manual  /  Functions  /  Database Functions  /  dbSelectField

dbSelectField (
string $title
string $name
string $table
mixed $fields
string $extraSQL = null,
mixed $validator = null,
boolean $multiple = null,
integer $size = null,
mixed $extra = null,
array $mergeArray = array() 


Name Description
$title Title of the field
$name Name of the field
$table The table where the values of this field should be fetched from
$fields String or array with the field(s) which are retrieved from the table and put into the select field.
$extraSQL Some extra SQL which will be included right achter the "FROM <table>" statement. With this you can order the items, join tables, etc.
$validator This can either be the name of your own validation function or the constant name of a predefined validator function. For more information about validators see Validators.
It is also possible to use a method as a validation function. In this case you should pass an array where the first item is the object and the second item the name of the method.
$multiple Should it be possible to select more then one option? Default false.
$size The number of items which should be shown. Default 1, but when $multiple is set to true the size will be 4.
$extra This can be extra information which will be included in the fields html tag. You can add for example some CSS or javascript.
$mergeArray The options off the database are merged with the options in this array. The optinos in $mergeArray will come first.


With this function you can populate a selectfield with values which are loaded from a table.



// include the formhandler
include( 'FH3/class.dbFormHandler.php' );

// create new db formhandler object
$form = new dbFormHandler();

// set the database info (create a new connection)
$form -> dbInfo'database''table''mysql' );
$form -> dbConnect'localhost''username''password');

// new selectfield
$form -> dbSelectField(
'Options from a table',
'keyField''valueField' ),
' ORDER BY `valueField`',

// button to submit
$form -> submitButton();

// what to do when the form is saved
$form -> onSaved'doRun' );

// show the form
$form -> flush();

// the function which is called when the data is saved
function doRun$id$data )
"Your selected value '"$data['saveInField'] ."' is saved!";


See also: SelectField

Latest change: 21 March 06 / 21:38


John Doe 21 November 10 / 20:41  
This method parameters do not correspond to the given example. I assume a simple flaw in documenting?

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