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Manual  /  Functions  /  Fields  /  TextSelectField

(Since version FH3 v1.2.6)

TextSelectField (
string $title
string $name
array $aOptions
mixed $validator
integer $size = 20,
integer $maxlength = null,
string $extra = null 


Name Description
$title Title of the field
$name Name of the field
$aOptions options for this fields select part
$validator This can either be the name of your own validation function or the constant name of a predefined validator function. For more information about validators see Validators.
It is also possible to use a method as a validation function. In this case you should pass an array where the first item is the object and the second item the name of the method.
$size size The size of the field.
$maxlength The maximum allowed characters in this field. 0 is interpretated as no limit.
$extra This can be extra information which will be included in the fields html tag. You can add for example some CSS or javascript.


With this field you have the possibility to present a user a selection to put in the textfield or type there own value



// include the formhandler 
include( 'FH3/class.FormHandler.php' ); 

// create new formhandler object 
$oForm = new Formhandler();

// set the options array
$aOptions = array( 'Red''Green' );

// new TextSelect field
$oForm->TextSelectField'Color''color'$aOptions );

// button to submit 

// what to do when the form is saved 
$oForm->onCorrect'FH_RUN' );

// show the form 
$oForm->Flush( );

// the function which is called when the data is saved 
function FH_RUN$aData 

'You selected or typed value '$aData['color']; 


Latest change: 11 July 11 / 09:25


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