[ This topic is solved ]
18 January 06 / 16:17
I'm trying to re-size and then add a logo to a picture that is uploaded via FormHandler.
All is working fine except that I cant get any transparency on the logo. I've tried the logo as a gif and as a png file and I've tried using array(0,0,0) and array(255,255,255) and neither the black or the white on the logo becomes transparent.
Is there something obvious I'm missing?
Code is:
$form -> UploadField ( "Your photo" . $req , "photo" , $piccfg );
$form -> resizeImage ( "photo" , NULL , $max_x , $max_y , 100 );
$form -> mergeImage ( "photo" , $_SERVER [ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ]. "/images/wm.gif" , "right" , "bottom" , array( 0 , 0 , 0 ));
Teye Heimans (Founder)
18 January 06 / 16:20
The "stamp" which you are using should become transparant, not the image itsself. Are you aware of that?
18 January 06 / 16:37
Yes the "stamp" or logo is circular and I want the corners of the stamp image to be transparent. but the corners remain resolutly solid.
Teye Heimans (Founder)
19 January 06 / 08:47
sorry, my bad. I've tested this with a png stamp because I could not get it working with a gif stamp.
19 January 06 / 09:46
And it works with a png stamp?
I did try a png stamp and coildn't get it to work selecting a transparent colour.
Or did you mean to use a png file that has alpha transparency already set?
Teye Heimans (Founder)
26 January 06 / 11:46
If you just test with your own script (http://nl3.php.net/manual/nl/function.imagecolortransparent.php) does it work then ?
28 January 06 / 00:48
I will try that and get back to you.
05 February 06 / 14:00
Changed at 05 February 06 / 14:01
Hmmmmm - no it doesn't seem to work outside of Formhandler either. Code is below, am I doing anything wrong?
$back = imagecreatefromjpeg ( '/home/mb/public_html/testback.jpg' );
$logo = imagecreatefromgif ( '/home/mb/public_html/testlogo.gif' );
$bwidth = 300 ;
$bheight = 418 ;
$lwidth = 150 ;
$lheight = 17 ;
$new = imageCreateTrueColor ( $bwidth , $bheight );
ImageCopy ( $new , $back , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , $bwidth , $bheight );
$white = imageColorAllocate ( $logo , 255 , 255 , 255 );
imageColorTransparent ( $logo , $white );
imageCopyMerge ( $new , $logo , 10 , 10 , 0 , 0 , $lwidth , $lheight , 100 );
header ( "Content-Type: image/jpeg" );
header ( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=image_name.jpg" ); // THIS ONE
imageJpeg ( $new , '' , 100 );
Teye Heimans (Founder)
10 February 06 / 10:32
I cant get it to work either with gif files. Maybe Im doing something wrong...
10 February 06 / 11:11
I'll try the simple version with a png as well - but I do seem to remember that I tried pngs when I was first experimenting with it.
13 February 06 / 10:36
Just tried pngs again with that simplified version changing the line
$logo = imagecreatefromgif('/home/mb/public_html/testlogo.gif');
$logo = imagecreatefrompng('/home/mb/public_html/testlogo.png');
(and creating an appropriate png file obviously)
Same result - no transparency, can anyone get it to work on their system?
Teye Heimans (Founder)
18 February 06 / 09:17
I have tested the script below and came to the following conclusion:
- Gif files won't work (Tried with: resizeIMG and resizeIMG)
- JPG files won't work (resizeIMG)
- PNG files work if you export them as PNG24 format (dont ask me what that is.. I use photoshop.) PNG8 format isn't working
This one works (png24): resizeIMG
This one isn't (png8): resizeIMG
I hope that this solves the problem.
$original = $_SERVER [ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ] . "/images/Image.jpg" ;
$stamp = $_SERVER [ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ] . "/images/stamp/png24.png" ;
// red color transparant
$aTransparant = array(
255 , # red
0 , # green
0 # blue
// open the current file (get the resource )
$rImgSrc = imagecreatefromjpeg ( $original );
// get the size of the image
$aSize = getimagesize ( $original );
// create the "new" file recourse (the destination)
$rImgDest = imagecreatetruecolor ( $aSize [ 0 ], $aSize [ 1 ] );
// open the stamp image (get the resource)
$rImgStamp = imagecreatefrompng ( $stamp );
// transparant color...
if( is_array ( $aTransparant ) )
$color = ImageColorAllocate ( $rImgStamp , $aTransparant [ 0 ], $aTransparant [ 1 ], $aTransparant [ 2 ] );
ImageColorTransparent ( $rImgStamp , $color );
// copy the current file to the new one
ImageCopy ( $rImgDest , $rImgSrc , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , $aSize [ 0 ], $aSize [ 1 ] );
// delete the resource of the original
ImageDestroy ( $rImgSrc );
// get the size of the stamp
$x = ImageSX ( $rImgStamp );
$y = ImageSY ( $rImgStamp );
// X and Y position on the original!
$posX = 100 ;
$posY = 100 ;
// copy the stamp to the new image
ImageCopyMerge ( $rImgDest , $rImgStamp , $posX , $posY , 0 , 0 , $x , $y , 100 );
//ImageCopy( $rImgDest, $rImgStamp, $posX, $posY, 0, 0, $x, $y ); # transparant isnt working!
//ImageCopyResampled( $rImgDest, $rImgStamp, 0, 0, $x, $y, $x, $y ); # transparant isnt working!
ImageDestroy ( $rImgStamp );
header ( 'Content-Type: image/png' );
// Save the new image
imagepng ( $rImgDest , '' , 100 );
ImageDestroy ( $rImgDest );
07 March 06 / 12:59
Sorry about the big delay - but yes - using PNG24 format did sort it out for me. A note for the new manual I guess ;-).
Teye Heimans (Founder)
07 March 06 / 13:10
Quote: Geoff Sorry about the big delay - but yes - using PNG24 format did sort it out for me. A note for the new manual I guess ;-).